Subject RE: [ib-support] connecting to a linux server
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

> I connected several times to a Windows server.
> Now the database is on a Linux box, that is visible from the client
> machine with the IP address x.x.x.x
> I tried to connect using the following settings for WISQL :
> remote server: checked
> server: x.x.x.x
> database: c:\test.gdb /* this line is surely wrong */
> username: SYSDBA
> password: masterkey
> When I try to connect, I get the error message:
> statement failed, SQL code -902
> "Unable to complete network request to host "".
> -Failed to locate host machine.
> -The specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name
> Services.
> "
> I wonder what I should write in the "database" line in case of a
> linux server (the GDB file name is correct, but "c:" is unheard in
> unix machines).

Does a ping from the client work?

Be aware that Firebird uses an API call gethostbyname() at
connect time, but an IP address for this call is only
supported with Winsock2 and Win95 for example has Winsock1

Try to put a line in your client HOSTS file. e.g.: <server_name>

The connection information should then look like:

remote server: checked
server: <server_name> (the server name entry in the HOSTS file)
database: /opt/firebird/examples/employee.gdb (just an example)
username: SYSDBA
password: masterkey
