Subject RE: [ib-support] IB and IBConsole: Problem editing users
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

> Hi there
> I'm running FirdbirdSS- on a RedHat linux machine. When I try to use IBConsole (running on a
> Windows 2000 machine) to edit users, I get the error message:
> ---
> Unable to retrieve user list
> Unrecognized database parameter block
> unable to open database
> ---
> The message appears when I click on Users or if I select Add User from the popup menu.
> Everything else seems to be working fine as far as I can tell. Any ideas as to where the problem might lie? I am logged
> in as the SYSDBA user when I attempt to do this.

There was a problem in the initial v1.0.2 build for Linux.

The problem is fixed and a new installation file is available
for download. The "1" in the installation file reflects the
fixed binaries. For example.

instead of

