Subject RE: [ib-support] Re: Maximum Capacity
Author Leyne, Sean (Ext. 225)

{This thread is getting off-topic for this list so let's not keep this
going too much longer}

> Okay, according to the latest Toronto Computes, a random
> advert shows a Seagate Cheetah SCSI 146GB going for
> ~$1499 CDN so that works out to around $189,000 CDN for
> the drives, figuring we can get 147GB drives for the same
> price,

Obviously, you not looked at the cost of Compaq authorized parts ;-)))

> Next question, would a PC be powerful enough to reasonably
> quickly do queries on that size of database?

Why not? You don't think that a 16/32-way server with 64GB of RAM could
run such a database?

I'm sure that there are a 5000+ corporate groups which are running 16TB+
databases from PC Servers.
