Subject Re: [ib-support] Interbase connection problems
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:42 PM 3/03/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>Good day
>I have ENDLESS hastles at MULTIPLE clients that we cannot solve. Interbase
>keeps on or kicking people of or the program
>disconnects ugly. But I cannot seem to trace or fix the problem at all.
>There is no sense in any of the log file. AT some point
>it even seems asif INTERBASE cannot connect to itself via the triiggers as
>it gives the error
>Error chicking feed trigger : General SQL error. Unable to complete network
>request to host "localhost"
>Error writing to the connection.
>unknown Win32 error 10054
>The above error is from a CLIENT machine

A client machine can't connect to localhost. Localhost is specifically
local to the machine that refers to it. Every Intel machine has localhost
- its IP address is and one machine's localhost is not visible to

You need to recompile your application software (what is it?) so that the
clients connect to the server. The server needs to be set up up in each
client's HOSTS file as
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn ServerName # this can be any name you like, no spaces
IP address of server

Then, a client application connects to


where D is the drive designator that is native to the server machine (no
mapped drives, no shares)
