Subject RE: [ib-support] what's new in FB 1.5 (like boolean datatypes ?)
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

> I'm new to this newsgroup. I just installed FB 1.5 (beta3) and I'm wondering what's new compared to FB 1.0
> I'm looking for some documentation about new datatypes for example, like boolean ?

have a look at WhatsNew.txt in the \doc subdirectory of your
FB 1.5 installation.

Be aware that this list doesn't give support for Firebird 1.5
until it's in an official release state. Though, the ib-support
list offers support for Firebird 1.0.x and InterBase.

Any problems/bugs with/about Firebird 1.5 should be posted to
the firebird-devel list. You can subscribe here:
