Subject Re: [ib-support] PLEASE READ :: Alphas, Betas and Bad Netiquette
Author PlusPoint Sofware SA
a faq will be a good idea to avoid repeat of questions.
even if you and all the team are always there for answerd.

many thanks to you all.


----- Original Message -----
From: Helen Borrie
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:28 AM
Subject: [ib-support] PLEASE READ :: Alphas, Betas and Bad Netiquette

Once more, I'm going to have a bit of a grind on the subject of off-topic
questions in our lists.

It's a big PLUS for Firebird that we have a smart and active team
developing the software and a smart and active team of experienced users
who are ever willing to help out with implementation problems.


Just to remind everyone about our lists:

Questions relating to SQL, application architecture (as it impacts your
application development work) and anything to do with released versions
belong HERE. This is where the community provides peer support for
users. If you are using a released version to develop database
applications, then you are a user.

This list is not a Delphi list. Use the appropriate proprietor forum (IBO,
Devrace, Borland, etc.) for Delphi product questions.

It is not a product announcement list (use firebird-tools and/or IBDI for
these) and it's not a forum for spitting contests regarding third-party
tools, licensing, other databases (use IBDI).

For directions on how to join these other forums, see the Firebird or
IBPhoenix websites.

An alpha or beta is NOT a released version. If you are running an alpha or
beta version, then you are a tester, not a user. Questions relating to
alphas and betas (including installation of same, documentation for same,
whatever, whatever), bug reports and test results belong in Firebird-devel.

Anyone is welcome to lurk there and "listen" but it's an abuse of your
privilege to try to use firebird-devel as a support forum.



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