Subject Re: Howto create >1 field in table, using IBOConsole or IBAccess?
Author jwhinyyc <>
--- In, "Christoph <lists@a...>"
<lists@a...> wrote:
> You can do this in IBAccess and I think you can do it in IBOConsole.
> In IBAccess:
> Click on 'Tables' on the left hand side.
> Doubleclick on the table you want to change.
> Click on the 'fields' tab.
> Click on the 'new' button.
> Enter in the field details.
> Click on ok.
> Say Woo hoo!
I tried again (after failing half-a-dozen times) and IT WORKS.
The only thing that was different this time was - I noticed
that IBAccess defaults to Dialect 1, and changed that to
Dialect 3, then it worked. But later I tried again and forgot
to change to Dialect 3, and it still works.
I need to explore this further.

Next problem was with the table name - I created it as Guest.
kinterbasdb (or Firebird) complained it could not find table GUEST.
But when I recreated the table as GUEST2 (and adjusted my
SELECT statement) all is OK.

Anyhow, I now have a minimal PythonCard program
(in Windows 2000 Pro) accessing a FireBird database.
Time to relax and celebrate before the next problem.

Thanks to all for suggestions.