Subject Re: [ib-support] just if you are curious
Author Roberto Della Pasqua

First: I think that fb1.5 is a rocks DB compared to other
freeware/commercial db as mysql or postgree.
Innodb has some problems of stability (IMHO), and mysql is faster for simply
tables with raw access; but when indexes and matching become numerous, then
fb/ib its the winner hands down in speed. Further the fb is the only db
freeware that has so much QA and functionalities (triggers,udf,
view...backup api, events...). It's a miracle have a similar db free. I
think that firebird community need to make a lot advertisement on this gem.

When fb1.5 will be available as final release I can do some detailed
benchmark, but I can't release specs or profiler reports due to IB7
agreement.... :-\

:) Robi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arno Brinkman" <firebird@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ib-support] just if you are curious

> Hi,
> > I had redo the bench with interbase7 trial, and I can't publish the
> due to restrictive agreement, but I can tell that IB7 is faster than
> firebird1.5 beta2 (on my selects) :)
> >
> > I'll redo the test when fb1.5 will be final version
> You make me curious !
> I've done a lot of tests compared FB1.5b2 and IB7 and most of them are
> quicker ?
> Which select ? Fetching all rows on both engines ? Where the returned
> equal for both engines ?
> FB1.5 beta3 will definitly perform better than beta2.
> Regards,
> Arno
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