Subject RE: [ib-support] newbie question : NUMERIC and DECIMAL type difference
Author Brian K. Woods

> I'm using JayBird JDBC to access the tables, for financial calculation.
> It would be accessed into JDBC BigDecimal object.
> What would be the correct choice of data type ?

I have not worked with JDBC, so, someone else will have to inform you of
any issues concerning BigDecimal.
However, on the issue of which to use in general, I can only pass back
wisdom already imparted in this
forum on several occasions. Ann and/or Helen (I think Helen gives credit for
it to Ann) stated a rule of
thumb to use DECIMAL for things you "measure" and NUMERIC for things you
"count". I have adopted that
rule of thumb, and so far it has always worked out correctly in my financial
calculations, etc.

Since you "count" pennies, use NUMERIC for money. As an example, I have
taken to using NUMERIC(15,4),where
the 4 is because I use Delphi, which only uses four "cents" digits in its
currency calculations.

There are others with more experience than I who can correct me if I have
steered you wrong, esp.
pertaining to any issues with JDBC / BigDecimal.
