Subject Re: [ib-support] IBEvents in Linux
Author Tessien

TW> Hi,

TW> My app is a Windows client, accessing a Firebird (CS 1.5 beta 2)
TW> database on a Linux machine. Everything works fine accessing the data
TW> writing data and so on, but after trying to register events with
TW> IBEvents.RegisterEvents, my app hangs and no further data access is
TW> possible.

TW> - Database on a Windows machine, the app run well;
TW> - No firewall restrition;
TW> - The gds32.dll is updated to dll's of the Firebird 1.5 beta 2;
TW> - The IBX components is updated to 6.05;
TW> - Tested in all old version of Firebird/Interbase;

TW> Thanks for help.

I guess I'll save Helen Borrie time for writing one mail, if I write
you, that this list not for problems with beta versions of Firebird.
Send it to firebird-devel list at sourceforge. ;)

Martin Rohla