Subject Re: [firebird-support] external file table and CR/LF
Author Milan Babuskov
Brian Schembri wrote:
> Can someone guide how to export to a text file that
> can be seen through an editor. I tried using the
> create command with the external file option but I
> cannot get to insert a CR/LF in the rows. Without the
> CR/LF I can see a whole line in the text editor.
> My original idea was to create the rows and the update
> the whole table with the CR/LF in a last column
> specificly for that. However I get the message cannot
> update external table.
> Can you please advise how to this?

AFAIK, you need to use some UDF. For example, rfunc UDF library has
function Chr that gives character for given ascii value.

Create table with all fields + one char(2) field for CR+LF, and do
something like this:

SELECT *, Chr(13) || Chr(10)
FROM real_table
INTO external_table


Milan Babuskov