Subject Re: Grant and Procedures
Author Alexander V.Nevsky
--- In, "Don Gollahon" <ihss@t...>
> Is there a way to grant a user rights to edit a procedure?

Legally no. Metadata of any object inside database can be changed
only by it's creator (stored in RDB$OWNER_NAME column of corresponding
system table) or SYSDBA. Theoretically it should be possible to change
owner, but a) this mean revoke rights from real creator and transfer
it to another user b) hacks of system tables are dangerous, they are
just interface to internal server machinery and not necessary reflect
all this machinery. Rather long ago I experimented modifying owner but
there were some problems like conflicts with rdb$user_privileges and
rdb$security_classes, can't recall exactly what kind of problems. If
you will be satisfied not expanding amount of users who can change
procedure but transferring this rights from one user to another, visit, I recall Thomas investigated this problem deeper
than me and made tool for it.

Best regards,