Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird Help
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hello dlamp24,

> I am currently looking at a software package that has a firebird
> database. I have very little knowledge about Firebird and really
> use Microsoft technologies like .Net and SQL Server. We are looking
> at how to intergrate our apps with the software/firebird db. Our
> apps are written in C# and I am wondering how reliable is the .Net
> provider for Firebird is. Also, can I get some features like DTS
> for the firebird like SQL server has in SQL Server Enterprise?
> Also, I am just looking for a comparision of Firebird versus SQL
> Server.

Here's a document that compares a number of MS-SQL vs. Firebird

For lots of general and specific info on Firebird, have a look at

Use the links under "Downloads" and "Search".

Good luck,
Paul Vinkenoog