Subject Re: [firebird-support] Corrupt database question
Author Eugenio Reis
> Perhaps output of (failed) gbak might help:
> gbak: writing data for table RUC
> gbak: ERROR: database file appears corrupt ()
> gbak: ERROR: wrong page type
> gbak: ERROR: page 163478 is of wrong type (expected 7,
> found 5)
> gbak: ERROR: gds_$start_request failed
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
> I was just interested in those numbers, to know what exactly
> they mean.
> It was strange to me to have so many page errors, and only one
> record error.

Think of your database as a big parking lot, with rows named A,
B, C and so on. Every row in a parking lot is similar a to a
page in the database. Every page can fit a certain number of
cars as well as a row can fit a certain number of cars
(depending on their size).

A parking lot may not be full all the time. If a row is affected
(let's say a tree falls down :-O), it might or might not affect
a car in that row (it could be empty at that moment). The
maintainance guys would probably block the whole row, though.


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