Subject RE: [firebird-support] I am a new member
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi friends...
> I just enjoied this group because I am working in an application
> which uses
> FireBird like DBMS.
> I read some pdf and they really helped me out.
> But now I have some questions for you:
> 1. How can I know the current user? I mean the user who is logged
> into the data
> base... I have know the username of the current user, how can I know it?

It depends how you are logged into the server yourself. If you have an admin
tool then there is an otion somewhere to see curretnly logged on users. If
you use IBO to connect in your application there is another way to do it. Or
you can use the API calls direct via C++ - I don't know what you are using.
> 2. When I connect into the database I have to write the role of
> the user who
> will log in. "connect data.fdb user yahoo password yahoo role
> XXX". How can I
> know the user's role without log into the database like sysdba. I
> mean, I do
> not the role of the user who will log in.

If you mean see the current user (as above) and also see which role they
have used to log in as ? then I don't know
If you mean something else then you'd better explain some more

> 3. How can I know the system date-time?

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or NOW are constants which can be returned in an SQL
statement which gives the server time at time of request
