Subject Re: [firebird-support] Access to UDF library "id_udf.DLL" is denied by server administrator.
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:39 AM 10/11/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>anyobody got an idea how to solve this?
>I tried UDFAccess = Restrict UDF and Full.

The UDFAccess configuration has been left in a state of confusion because
of late changes regarding paths (someone in his wisdom thought it would be
nice to support relative path addressing. Now it seems broken for "normal"

For now, try according to the following assumptions:

Restrict assumes the libs are in the /UDF subdirectory under the Firebird
root. AFAICT here, if you stick with that - "the default" - it should work.

Full seems broken. It doesn't behave as documented. Try to explicitly
configure the path in UDFAccess - using the *absolute* file path, even *if*
your libs are in ../UDF. I've been led to believe this will work with RC
7, though I don't have RC 7 installed here yet.

>Stopped and restarted the server.

Firebird.conf is read at server startup. You will need to stop and restart
the server each time you change things.

Of course...just looking at your Subject title: I suppose you *do* have it
declared as "ib_udf", not "id_udf.dll" or some other typographical error.
