Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird and filter
Author Martijn Tonies

> I have problems to apply filter on my Firebird database.
> if ALookupEdit.Text<>'' then
> begin
> TempFilter := 'AKIND =' + QuotedStr(ALookupEdit.Text);
> if Filter <> '' then TempFilter := Filter+' and '+TempFilter;
> ListQREP.Dataset.Filter := TempFilter;
> end;
> ListQREP.Dataset.Filtered := True;
> this seems not related with Firebird-support.
> But, I tried the search the web and I learned that filtering record
> in firebird is same as using WHERE clause in SQL.
> Is it true?

No, not at all. Filtering - usually - is done _client_ side - that means,
all rows (that meet the WHERE clause) are transferred to the client
and filtered there, while a WHERE clause avoids rows being transferred
to the client.

Depending on how your component set implements filtering, it might
filter on the client side, or adjust your WHERE clause.

So, implementation defined.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird & MS SQL Server.
Upscene Productions