Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird ignores primary Key definition
Author Martijn Tonies
Hi Nando,

> >> > I seem to recall that one of 1.0.x releases actually allowed you to
> >> > set the PK index inactive. You can't do it in 1.5 - worth checking
> >> > 1.0.3?
> >>
> >> "Action cancelled by trigger (3) to preserve data integrity. Cannot
> >> deactivate primary index."
> >>
> >> This was on 1.0.2, so I guess it must have been one of the earlier
> >> releases that failed to preserve data integrity.
> M> I've never been able to do this - I do know, there was a bit of talk
> M> about being able to deactive FK indices. But it never came through.
> what if one restores a database deactivating indexes?

Brilliant - that works.

I've just tried it - got a table with duplicates in the key in it, then
activating the PK index -> upon COMMIT, you'll get an error saying
there are duplicate values.

So, that might be the culprit!

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird & MS SQL Server.
Upscene Productions