Subject RE: [ib-support] Synchronising a multi-site database
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hi Daniel,


> We were looking at IB LogManager to help us accomplish the task, since
> it logs all the changes made to the database(data changed, date
> modified and probably keeps track of other changes as well).

*Begin of advertisment* :)

Please notice that IB LogManager is now more then simply
a user-friendly logging/auditing tool, but due to the
available Addon's, I'm talking more and more about a
IBLM product family ;-).

- IB LogManager
- IB LogManager Viewer (doesn't allow the change of a
logging schema)
- IBLMPump (pump logged data into an external database)
- IBLMExport (export logged data into different formats)

And of course, the new IBLM Roll-Forward Logging prototype,
which looks really promising.

*End of advertisment* :)

Thomas Steinmaurer
IB LogManager 2.1 - The Logging/Auditing Tool for InterBase and Firebird