Subject Re: [ib-support] Connect w/o user/pass as root or Administrator
Author Ann W. Harrison
At 01:50 PM 1/17/2003 +0100, Paul Vinkenoog wrote:

>" Interbase also supports a SYSDBA user who has access to all database
>" objects; furthermore, on platforms that support the concept of a
>" superuser, or user with root or locksmith privileges, such a user
>" also has access to all database objects.
>(As a sideline: how about that locksmith hint? :-) Yes, I know they
> don't mean that, but it's funny they chose that word here.)

Locksmith was the name for the root or admin account on
Apollo Aegis. I guess that wording has been around for
a long time.

>- Is it or is it not standard/intended behavior in FB 1.0 that root and
> Administrator can connect to databases without specifying user/pass ?

Yes for UNIX and LINUX. I don't know for Windows. At the time it
was done, allowing full access to the root directory was the norm
since nothing could be hidden from root. We were working on trusted
lans and using the machine and UID rather than passwords.


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