Subject Re: [ib-support] How To Benchmark Firebird using Delphi?
Author Artur Anjos
Hello Çağatay

Please join us at fbrunners, on yahoo groups:

We are there discussing this thread, because it dows not bellong on this
support list.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Cagatay Tengiz" <tmd0307@...>
To: "Ib-Support" <>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 4:39 PM
Subject: [ib-support] How To Benchmark Firebird using Delphi?

> Dear list,
> A few days ago there was a discussion on this list about promoting
> In some forums sometimes I see some messages asking about performance of
> Firebird on some particular data schema.
> I want to write applies to those messages but first of all I have to test
> those data schemas and prove that FB is better (if not then I wont write
> apply of course :) ) and give some real values.
> So how can be made benchmark applications for Firebird?
> I hope I could have explained what I want to tell. Cause English is not my
> native language.
> Best Regards,
> Çağatay Tengiz
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