Subject Re: [ib-support] This is a bug???
Author Daniel Rail
At 26/09/2002 06:08 PM, you wrote:
>Sometimes when editing a stored procedure while someone else is also
>connected on gdb and alter the parameters data type this change only has
>effect after everybody (including me) disconnect from the gdb.
>An example, changing a parameter datatype from varchar(4) to varchar(10).
>Anyone have tha same problem??

That is how it is designed. The stored procedures are compiled on the
first connection to the database. Just to let you know that MS-SQL
operates the almost the same way, the stored procedure is compiled the
first time it is called after SQL Server is started, but can be forced to
recompile, by using a built-in function, the next time the stored procedure
is called.

Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (