Subject Re: [ib-support] Please help. View is empty, but the same SELECT works!
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
Last shot in the dark, maybe it doesn't like you to 'redeclare' Descr. If

create view vDeps1 (DepID, Descr) as
select d.DepID,
cast(d.Bank||' '||d.AccountNo as varchar(64))
from DepRights r
inner join departments d on r.DepID = d.DepID;

doesn't work, then get yourself some sleep, restart your server and rebuild
your database.

-time for me to give up

At 15:59 16.09.2002 +0300, you wrote:
> >>create view vDeps1 (DepID, Descr) as
> >>select d.DepID,
> >> cast(d.Bank||' '||d.AccountNo as varchar(64)) as Descr
> >>
> >>
> >>from DepRights r