Subject Re: FB and MSSQL (speed test) REPOST
Author rodries2
--- In ib-support@y..., "Arno Brinkman" <firebird@a...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I post again the results with the next test.
> > Doesn't return any record, only open
> > and close query many times (12) , How Thomas Miller has said:
> > connecting and opening the transaction is what is really being
> >
> > MSSQL ADO -> ~ 12500 ms
> > FB ADO -> ~ 30500 ms
> > FB IBX -> ~21500 ms
> > FB IBO -> ~11400 ms
> >
> > The winner is IBO.
> How did you test ?
> For all tests creating new instances ?
> for i := 1 to 10000 do
> begin
> with TAQuery.Create(nil) do
> try
> SQL.Text := 'SELECT ....';
> Open;
> finally
> Free;
> end;
> end;
> Regards,
> Arno

I use the same IAQuery. I open and close the query and change the SQL.
