Subject Re: updates not seen by other users
Author dzonw
Yes, of course .
I have Database1.StartTransaction en Commit inserted in my code and
it works !!


--- In ib-support@y..., "Martijn Tonies" <m.tonies@u...> wrote:
> Sounds like a transaction issue...
> Are you committing? What kind of transaction isolation are you
> Did you read the basics on transaction use?
> With regards,
> Martijn Tonies
> InterBase Workbench - the developer tool for InterBase and Firebird
> Upscene Productions
> "This is an object-oriented system.
> If we change anything, the users object."
> > When a user adds a record in Interbase, an other user can't see
> > new record (despite of Open en Close the query , SELECT *
FROM ...)
> > until the user finished and start again his application . Do you
> > a solution ??
> >
> > W. Dzon
> > Holland