Subject Re: [ib-support] large deletions
Author Raul Chirea
Hi Jason,

I agree, but, if you make that ,let's say, "ACTIVE" field
create table ... (
ACTIVE char(1) check value in ('Y', 'N'),

and, then, an index:
create index ... on THAT_TABLE (ACTIVE);

and after that you make a view like this:

create view ... as select * from THAT_TABLE where ACTIVE = 'Y';

selecting from that view shoud be fast enough because the count of the
"active rows" it will be small.
On the other hand, I don't know which is the maximum rows per table limit of
Interbase. This could be a problem ! In this case I see that Hellen (I
think) gaved you a good idea: "delete them more often".

From: "Jason Chapman (JAC2)" <jason@...>

> That's a pretty scary number of "fluff" records 36 - 72 million a year.
> have a DB with 100 million + records and it gets a little flustered if you
> ask it the wrong question (that requires multiple index merges).

Regards !

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