Subject Database Shutdown ( GFIX ? )
Author Leonardo Mozachi Neto
I need to shutdown a running database.
I must ensure that the database is not in use.
If it is, I need to prevent new connections/transactions.
Once new connectins/transactions are suspended, I need to know when the gdb
is free to shutdown.
All of this with Delphi.

I was wondering if this kind of approach is applicable/recomended.

a) Check if the database is in use (connected users);
b) Prevent new conections;
c) Prevent new transactions;
d) Wait for users diconnection (finallizating theirs transactions too)
e) ShutDown the database;

Is this correct?

Is GFix indicated to do this job? (How do I know if the step "d" occurred?)

GFIX -Attach(10) -Trans(10) -Shut

I am a little bit limited to express myself in english.



> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: mgastde [mailto:michael.gast@...]
> Enviada em: terca-feira, 7 de maio de 2002 03:22
> Para:
> Assunto: [ib-support] URGENT: Corrupt indices
> Hi,
> we have very strange errors in one of our customers production
> environment.
> We are using Firebird CS 1.0.0 Build 796 on a cluster system with
> RedHat
> Linux 7.2.
> About 7 weeks weeks ago we started with a brand new implemented
> production control system. After 5 weeks of work without any trouble,
> we
> started to get problems with the system. We have got messages in our
> application like
> "database file appears corrupt () wrong page type
> page XXX is of wrong type (expected 7, found 0)"
> "database file appears corrupt () wrong page type
> page YYY is of wrong type (expected 5, found 0)"
> These errors are NOT written to the interbase.log file. They arise
> only
> in our applications. If we start same the transaction a second time,
> the
> error usually does not occur again, but sometimes it does. At this
> point
> we started gfix -v -f to examine the database. It reported us a lot of
> messages like "Index 3 is corrupt on page 299129 in table FSATZ
> (159)".
> After running
> gfix -m -f -i
> gbak -b -g -t -v
> gbak -c -r -p -v
> gfix -v -f did not report any errors in our database.
> But the same errors occurs after only a few days of work. The same
> cycle
> of gfix -m -i, backup, restore, gfix -v -f repairs the database only
> for
> a few days.
> Some information to our system:
> We have two databases: One consists of only one table with two rows,
> the
> primary key and a blob field. It has about 1 millions of records and a
> total size of about 9 GB spanned over 5 files (with a maximum of 30
> files with each 250000 8 KB blocks). This database works fine.
> The second database is much more complicated: The database size is
> about
> 1 GB. We have configured the system to use 3 files with 500000 4 KB
> blocks to stay under the maximum file size of 2 GB.
> 1. The biggest table has about 2.8 millions of records.
> 2. The total amount of records over all tables is round about 6
> millions
> of records.
> 3. We have 80 tables with 131 foreign keys, 112 stored procedures and
> 171 triggers.
> 4. Disabling the sweep process did not change anything.
> 5. The index errors usually occurs in the most heavily frequented
> tables.
> 6. We have two different types of transactions:
> - Import and export of productions data is done in transactions with
> up
> to 20000 insert operations in the first database (with one table) and
> up
> to 40000 insert or update operations in the second database. One of
> these transactions is running up to 6 minutes.
> - User transactions which usually does not change a lot of data.
> We have no long running transactions.
> Does anyone have an idea? Any hints?
> Are there for example any circumstances to allow errors to be
> transported over a cycle of gfix, backup, restore and gfix?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Micha
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