Subject Re: [ib-support] Location of gds32.dll
Author Paul Reeves
On Sat, 11 May 2002 21:31:39 -0400, R. Tulloch wrote:
>>There has been no real change. However, the install also puts down
>>a 'marker' for the future - under HKLM it creates a
>>FirebirdSQL/Firebird key.
>Something is going to be hosed up in all this. If I am using IB6.x
>with Delphi app & IBX components and the target machine has FB
>installed and the IBX components won't work with the installed
>version of FB, one is screwed, correct? This seems like a BAD
>situation if this assumption is correct.

IBX works fine with Firebird. There is a known problem with IBConsole which uses an ambiguously joined metadata query in one place but that is the only issue I am aware of.

Paul Reeves
Supporting users of Firebird and InterBase