Subject Re: [ib-support] Odd trigger's behaviour. USER and SELECT INTO.
Author Andrew Guts
Claus Heeg wrote:

> this is not OK -------------------------------- :::::
> SELECT E.ID from Employees E where E.Login LIKE USER into AUTH;
> better SELECT E.ID from Employees E where E.Login LIKE "USER%" into AUTH;

I meant system predefined variable, not string 'USER'.

> .... or better.... "...e.login= USER ..."

I've started from that. The same result as LIKE version.
Pure operator "SELECT E.ID from Employees E where E.Login LIKE USER" running
from console returns valid row.

> kind regds
> Claus
> Andrew Guts wrote:
> >Hi all
> >
> >Please, help me with that!
> >
> >My tables are (simplified):
> >
> >create table Employees (
> > id integer not null primary key,
> > login varchar(30) not null,
> > ...
> >);
> >
> >create unique index idx_Emp_login on Employees (login);
> >
> >insert into Employees (ID, Login) values (1, 'SYSDBA');
> >....
> >
> >create table Orders (
> > id integer not null primary key,
> > AuthorID integer references Employees (id),
> > CreateDate TIMESTAMP not null,
> > Comment varchar(250)
> >);
> >
> >create generator G_ORD_ID;
> >
> >And problematic trigger:
> >
> >set term ^ ;
> >create trigger On_Add_Order for orders before insert as
> >begin
> > NEW.ID = GEN_ID(G_ORD_ID, 1);
> >
> > // line below was added for debug purpose only
> > NEW.COMMENT = USER; // or CURRENT_USER, it doesn't matter
> >
> > SELECT E.ID from Employees E where E.Login LIKE USER into AUTH;
> > /* This SELECT returns 0 rows, and so AUTH remains NULL */
> > /* The same SELECT, but without "INTO" running from console returns
> >one row as expected*/
> >end^
> >set term ; ^
> >
> >Inserted record looks like:
> > ID = <not-empty value>
> > AuthorID = NULL
> > CreateDate = <not-empty value>
> > Comment = 'SYSDBA'
> >
> >The question is: Why AthorID remains NULL ?
> >
> >Thanks in advance.
> >
> >Andrew
> >
> >
> >
> >
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