Subject Re: [ib-support] Which non-IB SQL dialect most resembles IB/FB SQL?
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:22 AM 21-04-02 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm using Visiomodeler to generate a rather complex Firebird database. Unfo=
>rtunately Visiomodeler does not directly support IB/FB. But it does support =
>the following DBMSes and can generate SQL statements to create the DB and ta=
>bles in their own dialects:
>.INFORMIX­Universal Server
>.Microsoft SQL Server
>Does anyone have a suggestion which driver's SQL dialect most closely resem=
>bles IB/FB's? So that the generated SQL would require the least changes to p=
>ort to IB/FB?

Go with the Oracle one, definitely. All of the others are too
idiosyncratic...FB/IB kinda stand up there alone together as "highly


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