Subject Re: [ib-support] Connect to Firebird from Windows
Author Artur Anjos
Maybe I can help. I didn't take much attention to this, sorry. Can you pls
send me the problem again (private if you want)? Pls tell me what you have
already done.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martyn Shiner" <mjshiner@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 7:53 PM
Subject: RE: [ib-support] Connect to Firebird from Windows

> Frank,
> >>this is a network problem rather than a Firebird one...<<
> Oh NO!
> >>and i'm afraid i'm not really good at this :<<
> You and me both!
> I'll follow up your suggestions - like you said, anybody out there with
> network expertise who can help on this?
> >>P.S.: where did you get Firebird 6 from? i'm still awaiting FB 2 ;-)<<
> OOPS - got confused with Interbase 6 :> just shows you gotta read what you
> post before you click send.
> Regards
> Martyn