Subject Re: [ib-support] mass inserts
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
""sboyd_kanservu_ca"" <sboyd@...> wrote in message
> I am having a performance problem with IB56 on NT while inserting
> large numbers of records into a virgin database. It is taking 1.5
> hours to insert 250,000 rows for a simple row (< 20 columns). I have
> disabled all indices except the primary key, I have disabled forced
> writes and I insert all rows in 1 transaction. I notice the more rows
> I insert, the longer it takes to insert 1 row.
> Is there anything that I can do to speed this process up?

Do you send tons of literal commands like
insert into tbl(f1,f2) values (1,2);
or do you prepare an insert statement with parameters
insert into tbl(f1, f2) values(?, ?);
and keep feeding parameters and executing the prepared statement? The first
way is very slow on massive operations, because each command is parsed,
compiled, prepared, executed and discarded.
