Subject Re: [ib-support] Call Interbase Stored Procedure from PHP
Author Artur Anjos

Javi: I really don't understand your email. Could you please explain it
better to all of us?

Xavier: What Helen was asking you is why your user needs 100,000 rows back
from the server, not why your database need to store so many records. If you
need to store that kind of data, ok, no problem with FireBird. You have a
database engine that you can count on. The question is: your user will need
to have 100,000 rows to do what?

Maybe it's to do something that could be done in the server (some
statistical work?) by a Stored Procedure. Or maybe you need to have a
special UDF to do the job. When you have a client/server application, the
work should be done at the server side and return to the user just the info
he/she wants.

Do you understand now Helen question?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Entrebytes S.L."
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: [ib-support] Call Interbase Stored Procedure from PHP

[* Profanities suppressed to not offend religious beliefs *] !!!!

Hey man , i was suspecting something like that , by the name of the tables
and your signature , but this is getting serius.. maybe interbase is not for
you.. in fact , are you sure you NEED a Relational Database ?

Just as a stab in the dark ... would you consider how to encode the data?
that is.. DNA is just 4 bases, (two bits), arranged
in sequences that gives us nucleotids , peptids and all that amazing stuff
of life .. but ..
what resources are you using to enconde a 2-bit information?

just a througth...


- "What is true?" , asked a philospher.
- "1 or 0 , depending on implementations " replied a bystanding programmer.

EntreBytes S.L.
Ontenient , Spain
ERP Development.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Xavier Solé" <x.sole@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ib-support] Call Interbase Stored Procedure from PHP

> Well, this database will have data coming from DNA microarray experiments.
> don't know if you have heard something about them. I just will tell you
> one single experiment generates 10000 rows of raw data. Imagine I want to
> the raw data of (just) 10 experiments to make some kind of statistical
> analysis with them, this generates the 100000 rows I explained befored.
> field of Computational Biology is one of the most challenging ones, and
> more if we talk about bilogical databases, which must be able to store
> enormous amount of data.... and now I begin to face this challenge!!
> Regards,
> Xavier.
> A Divendres 08 Març 2002 10:00, vàreu escriure:
> > At 03:25 PM 08-03-02 -0500, you wrote:
> > >Well... the database is still under development, so I have only
> > > data to test it. Currently, the table "Spot" has over 9000 rows, and
> > > table "RawData" has over 18000. My Stored Procedure returns 18000 rows
> > >approximately. In the future, the table "RawData" may contain up to a
> > >million (3 or 4). What will happen if I want to make a query with an
> > > BY which returns 100000 rows or more? Will I allways have the same
> > > problem? What do people do when they have tera-databases?
> >
> > They store, process and retrieve data. Perhaps you could get more
> > responses to your questions if you explain a few things about the user
> > requirements. I'm curious to know what a user is going to do with an
> > output set of 100,000 rows of raw data.
> >
> > Helen
> >
> > All for Open and Open for All
> > Firebird Open SQL Database · ·
> >
> > _______________________________________________________