Subject Re: [ib-support] Interchanging file between Linux Windows and IB6 FB1
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:09 PM 18-03-02 +0200, you wrote:
>I just want to know I have a IB6 database on a NT4 server. Would it be save
>to merely copy the whole database(unconnected and servers stopped) to the
>Linuxbox and then access it with FB1. Both still use the same ODS so I
>assume it would be save. I dont want to make assumptions thats why I am
>asking. Should I rather move the datbase with something like gbak?

If you are changing platforms then you MUST use GBAK, using the
-transportable switch. Windows and Linux have totally different
filesystems, so Linux won't be able to read a Windows file.



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