Subject Re: [ib-support] Listening to events is crashing server
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:05 PM 09-03-02 +0000, you wrote:
>It's not possible nobody has nothing to talk about this. It's a
>serious problem and it's not ocurring just with me. I saw some
>messages in the MERS database talking about the same problem, some
>using IB Express, other using other versions of the server, etc...
>I have seven RedHat 7.1 servers running FB RC2, all of them with the
>same hardware. They are installed on my customers, and i access them
>via DSL.
>My application is made with Delphi 5 and IBObjects 4.2Ga.
>Some days ago i included a TIB_Events in my datamodule and, when i
>connect to six servers everything goes ok. When i connect to the
>seventh, the FB server crashes. If i just remove the TIB_Events from
>the application, i can connect to this server, too.
>My TIB_Events is connected to a TIBODatabase.
>I'm trying to connect to all server from my own machine (Windows
>2000, but i tryed with a machine running Windows 98 and just that
>server crashed, too).
>The error message is:
>Unable to complete network request to host "hostname"
>Failed to estabilish a secondary connection for event processing.
>I have already reinstaled Firebird in that server.
>Debugging the application, i found that the error has its origin in
>this piece of code:
> errcode := isc_que_events( @status,
> IB_Connection.PdbHandle,
> @EventID,
> EventBufferLen,
> EventBuffer,
> isc_callback( ast ),
> Self );
> if errcode <> 0 then HandleException( Self );
>Somebody knows what is happening?

It sounds like the threading problem that was happening with early versions
of the IB 6.0 client program (gds32.dll) with events. When you posted this
message elsewhere, I asked you to check out the version codes on gds32.dll
on the problem machines but you didn't respond to that.

You should also search those machines for rogue copies of gds32.dll that
might be hanging about from old installations, and rename them. (Some
installations of IBConsole offend in this way by storing a copy of
gds32.dll in the same directory as the exe).

For RC2 and IBO, your gds32.dll needs to be in the system directory
(\System32 on Winnt versions, \System on Win98) and its version string
should be "WI-T1.0.0.679" (the final number [build number] could be higher,
but it should not be lower) and it should not be an InterBase version code,
e.g. WI-V6.n.n.nnn


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