Subject RE: [ib-support] User Management
Author Riho-Rene Ellermaa
I must admit my stupidity in this area.
As I understood, the additional process (separate EXE) must be something
that runs on server and is launched by SYSADM, who connects with his
password. Then client programs everywere connect throught TCP to this
program and send/receive info.
That means that I must create this program in Windows, Unix, Linux,
etc. wherever my users want to put their server.

Is there anywere some "IB Security and User Management for Dummys with
Samples" ?

Riho-Rene Ellermaa
senior programmer

> If you follow Martijns advise, you can store username/passw
> in your database/outside isc4.gdb and need a
> process/service/program that substitude application's
> username/passw. combination with *real* IB/FB ones.