Subject Re: [ib-support] LABView (National Instruments) and Firebird/interbase (dialect 3) and ODBC
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:43 AM 04-11-02 +0000, you wrote:
>we have a pc with LABView (National Instruments) and the necessary DB
>Utils from National Instruments installed. During the access wit hteh
>INTERSOLV ODBC Driver to a Firebird (Interbase) data base, created in
>dialect 3, we receive an error code, that says, that LABView try to
>connect with dialect 1 options. Can somebody help me?

The Intersolv ODBC Driver is for IB 5.6, which is equivalent to Dialect 1.

If you need to use ODBC, get an ODBC driver that supports Firebird and
InterBase 6. For details, see the Drivers section of Downloads >
Contributed at There are several to choose from.

Also, make sure that the gds client library installed on the client
machines (gds32.dll on Windows, on other platforms) is the correct
one for Firebird. Copy it from your Firebird server or from the
installation kit.
