Subject Re: [ib-support] Newbie Question:
> I am needing some help getting started. I have "talked to" databases for many years BUT our DBA would create the data base for us.
> I would like to use something like the following script but I am not sure how to send it to Firebird.
> CREATE DATABASE 'Dirve:\Path\db.gdb'
> USER 'user' PASSWORD 'pass'
> PAGE_SIZE = 1024
> My question is: how do I create a new database with the API or a command line tool. I don't have any utilities that did not come with the Firebird distribution and I don't want to use any third party tools. Ideally I want to be able to do this all with a scrip so that a client will not have to do anything, but to provide a path for the install.

WIndows or Linux?

If windows, then download a copy of IB_SQL from the
IBObjects website ( ). This will provide a
simple (free) management interface. We have not converted it
to Linux yet, but I access my Linux server from the Windows
machine, so have not had that problem yet.

From 'pure' Linux, you will have to start playing with the
ISQL command line tool, something I have not had to use yet

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services