Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: Simple challenge
Author Ann W. Harrison
At 04:55 PM 11/1/2002 +1100, Peter Faulks wrote:

>What is auto-undo? I've searched to docs but it makes no mention?

In order to unwind triggers and stored procedures, InterBase
maintains an un-do log, a list of records touched during
one of those operations. At some point, that was extended
and InterBase & Firebird now keep an in-memory list of every
record changed by a transaction. This allows a transaction
that rolls back under program control to undo it's own changes.

Certain large operations (e.g. a gbak restore) begin to use
significant memory in their undo logs, so a transaction option
tpb_no_auto_undo (or something like that) was added. When
we get V1.5 stable, we should another option to set transaction -
or possibly remove the auto-undo code complete now that we've
got savepoints.


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