Subject Re: gbak options: from the gbka I've got on my machine
Author didiergm
C:\PROGRA~1\Firebird\Bin>gbak -h >> toto.txt
gbak: unknown switch "h"
gbak: legal switches are:
-B(ACKUP_DATABASE) backup database to file
-BU(FFERS) override page buffers default
-C(REATE_DATABASE) create database from backup file
-CO(NVERT) backup external files as tables
-E(XPAND) no data compression
-FA(CTOR) blocking factor
-G(ARBAGE_COLLECT) inhibit garbage collection
-I(NACTIVE) deactivate indexes during restore
-IG(NORE) ignore bad checksums
-K(ILL) restore without creating shadows
-L(IMBO) ignore transactions in limbo
-M(ETA_DATA) backup metadata only
-MO(DE) <access> "read_only" or "read_write" access
-N(O_VALIDITY) do not restore database validity conditions
-NT Non-Transportable backup file format
-O(NE_AT_A_TIME) restore one table at a time
-OL(D_DESCRIPTIONS) save old style metadata descriptions
-P(AGE_SIZE) override default page size
-PAS(SWORD) InterBase password
-R(EPLACE_DATABASE) replace database from backup file
-RO(LE) InterBase SQL role
-SE(RVICE) use services manager
-T(RANSPORTABLE) transportable backup -- data in XDR format
-USE_(ALL_SPACE) do not reserve space for record versions
-USER InterBase user name
-V(ERIFY) report each action taken
-Y <path> redirect/suppress status message output
-Z print version number
gbak: switches can be abbreviated to the unparenthesized characters
gbak: ERROR: found unknown switch
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors

--- In ib-support@y..., Duilio Foschi <dedalus@y...> wrote:
> I used gbak for the first time today.
> After some head-scratching, this command worked:
> gbak -b - user SYSDBA - pas masterkey MYDB.GDB MYDB.BK
> 1. where can I find written explanation of all gbak options ?
> 2. does the command above reclaim the space taken by deleted records ?
> 3. is the command above all what is periodically needed for the correct
> working of FB ?
> 4. I discovered that gbak -help lists all the avaiable options,
along with
> a short explanation for each one.
> Alas! The options are so many that they scroll vertically and only
the last
> ones can be read.
> gbak -help | more
> does not work, too.
> Is there a way to read the whole help screen, or was the author of gbak
> naive enough not to allow this ?
> Thank you
> Duilio Foschi