Subject Re: [ib-support] Installation Of FireBird on SUSE Linux
Author R. S. Patil
Hi Herbert

>Was there a script included with RC2 to set it up the SuSE way (With the
>start stop variable in /etc/rc.config)? With Suse you still have the start
>stop scripts in /etc/init.d/ and the variables in rc.confic is used to
>specify if the server has to be started on bootup or not. But you can still
>cal for example /etc/init.d/firebird start to start the server.
Well ....... The Auto start and Auto Stop scripts are installed
automatically. The only thing i did was
i added Start_Firebird="yes" in rc.config and rebooted the server and
the Firebird server started
automatically at levels 2,3, 5.

>With those version of firebird which I have installed on Suse, the script
>never worked and I had to do it by hand. It sounds like there is now a
>usable script in RC2.
Yes It seems except addition of start variable in rc.config


R. S. Patil