Subject RE: [ib-support] I/O error - EOF encountered
Author Theo Bebekis

> What were you trying to do when you got this error? What operating environment? database version? tool version?

W98 and W2K
Firebird (RC1)

The error appears when an app (IBDatabase) tries
to connect to the datatabase

The database file comes from one of my customers.
They sent it to me for checking. They get the same error
I get the same error too.

I/O error for file "C:\MyDB.GDB"
Error while trying to read from file
End of File encountered
(The last line of the above comes in greek, here
is a translation be my from greek to english.
It could be "unexpected end of file" or something....
I get the error in greek, since I have greek W2K installed.
So I supposed the error the Firebird rises is a reflection
of an OS error occuring when trying to open the file)

What could be the meaning and cause of this?


Theo Bebekis
Thessaloniki, Greece