Subject Re: [ib-support] ODBC Question
Author Yves Glodt
On Thursday 06 September 2001 16:35, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an (windows)-application that can use a paradox or an
> Interbase database. It's written in Delphi5, so it goes through the
> BDE. With paradox it works fine.
> Now I've tried the firebird odbc-driver (With Interbase 6.01
> database). The bde seems to create automatically an alias for every
> registered odbc driver. Therefor, to change the database, I only have
> to use another alias.
> With Interbase I've got the following.
> - All the selects from my app work,
> - I can also delete records.
> - But I can not update/insert. I always get a message saying "Table
> is readonly".
> I used a tquery component, and the tdatabase.readonly property is of
> ourse set to false.
> It seems to me that this is a bde/delphi problem nut I'm not sure.
> Can anybody help me?
> yves

I found the solution:
Setting TQuery.Requestlive:=False made it work with IB
thank you,


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