Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: Firebird 1.0.0 and SQL Dialect 3
Author Mark O'Donohue
Hi Roy

(Mark here :-).

roy@... wrote:

>This is what I get when trying to do as Sean did:
>[root@killroy interbase]# bin/isql -user sysdba -password xxxxx
>Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
>SQL> set sql dialect 3;
>SQL> show sql dialect;
> Client SQL dialect is set to: 3. No database has been connected.
>SQL> create database ''
>CON> ;
>Internal error: Unexpected isc_info_value 0
>WARNING: Pre IB V6 database only speaks SQL dialect 1 and does not accept Client SQL dialect 3 . Client SQL dialect is reset to 1.
>and the version is: LI-T1.0.0.368 Firebird Beta2

golem:~/src/interbase/build/interbase/jrd> /opt/interbase/bin/isql
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> set sql dialect 3;
SQL> create database '';
SQL> show sql dialect;
Client SQL dialect is set to: 3 and database SQL dialect is: 3

I don't think it's to do with dialect, I think you have a communication
problem in the server, and your getting rubbish back.

The internal error comes from an isc_database_info call, where it
interogates the the database properties, including ODS version etc,
It gets a 0, (which it complanins about), gets something else which it
interprets as dialect and since ODS is set to default it reckons the
server side is pretty lousy.

Some things to try:

Do you have localhost in /etc/hosts.equiv,

Perhaps check the /opt/interbase/interbase.log to see if there is
anything relevant.

try telnet 3050 - see what happens.

try create database 'localhost:/home/...";

try adding a few things into your /etc/hosts.equv file
"localhost.localdomain", "killroy" "" that sort of thing
(mainly you want hostname for the computer there).

Also try running tcpdump in another window and see what packets get
flown around, it may give a clue what the problem is.

Is there anything like firewalls, or anything that could be comming into
play here.

Im assuming that a plain 'create database' with no dialect will also
fail. If not a 'show version' would be good after create/connect as it
should show both client and server dialect versions.



>--- In ib-support@y..., Mark O'Donohue <mark.odonohue@l...> wrote:
>>roy@w... wrote:
>>>I tried to create a database with isql on the Linux box and get the message:
>>>Warning: Pre IB V6 database only speaks SQL dialect 1 and does not accept Client SQL dialect 3 . Client SQL dialect reset to 1.
>>Ok, well looks interesting :-), heres what I get for doing linux isql
>>client to linux classic server.
>>golem:~/src/interbase/build/release1.0.0a> /opt/interbase/bin/isql -user
>>sysdba -password xxxxxx
>>Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
>>SQL> set sql dialect 3;
>>SQL> create database 'localhost:/tmp/z1.gdb';
>>SQL> show sql dialect;
>> Client SQL dialect is set to: 3 and database SQL dialect is: 3
>>SQL> show version;
>>ISQL Version: LI-T1.0.0.368 Firebird Beta2
>>InterBase/linux Intel (access method), version "LI-T1.0.0.368 Firebird
>>InterBase/linux Intel (remote server), version "LI-T1.0.0.368 Firebird
>>Beta2/tcp ("
>>InterBase/linux Intel (remote interface), version "LI-T1.0.0.368
>>Firebird Beta2/tcp ("
>>on disk structure version 10.0
>>Reconnecting also seemed to work.
>>golem:~/src/interbase/build/release1.0.0a> /opt/interbase/bin/isql -user
>>sysdba -password xxxxxx
>>Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
>>SQL> connect 'localhost:/tmp/z1.gdb';
>>Database: 'localhost:/tmp/z1.gdb', User: sysdba
>>SQL> show sql dialect;
>> Client SQL dialect is set to: 3 and database SQL dialect is: 3
>>SQL> quit;
>>So (from my reading of what Ive' got) that seemed to work and it has
>>v1.0.0 on client and server sides (both on linux box currently).
>>Is this similar to your test, or did you use the win32 as the client side?
>>I'll try that, but Im also going to have a look for that error message
>>in the source code, and see if I can find it somewhere.
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