Subject Re: [ib-support] Multi-Station Interbase
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:17 PM 20-04-01 +0000, you wrote:
>Hello community,
>I am having a problem using an Interbase/Delphi application on
>multiple work stations at the same time. Here is what happens:
>I go into the application on one work station. No problem. Then I
>attempt to go into the application on a second work station that is
>sharing Interbase data. When the application reaches a Delphi "Post"
>method, it simply "hangs" and goes no further. The moment I exit the
>application at the first work station, the application continues to
>execute at the second.
>Here is an example of the line of code that causes this "hang up":
> IBTable1.Post;
>The application uses Delphi IBX components and specifically the
>TIBTable component in this instance. It feels like the first
>application somehow has exclusive "control" of the table and doesn't
>release this control until I exit. This seems rather rude and
>unfriendly (IMHO).

Tell us more about your setup. Do you understand that InterBase is a client/server database, not a desktop database like Paradox, which is a series of files to which mutliple users have shared access? This is one file to which users connect at network level through the client program gds32.dll installed on the workstation.

If remote users are going to connect simultaneously to your database, they must connect as clients under a network protocol. The recommended protocol is TCP/IP. The host must be known to the client, either through a domain name service running on your network server or through an entry in each client's HOSTS file that maps a server name to the TCP/IP address of the server.

Your TCP/IP client's connect string is OURSERVER:d:\path...\OurDB.gdb, where "d:\" is the physical hard drive on the server machine (mappings not allowed!!)


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