Subject Re: missing PHP function

Having found nothing that was already done to manage security
database in PHP, I added the 3 following functions to the

/* Add an user to security database */
proto int ibase_add_user(
string server
, string dba_user_name
, string dba_password
, string user_name
, string password
[, string first_name]
[, string middle_name]
[, string last_name]);

/* Modify an user from security database */
proto int ibase_modify_user(
string server
, string dba_user_name
, string dba_password
, string user_name
, string password
[, string first_name]
[, string middle_name]
[, string last_name]);

/* Delete an user from security database */
proto int ibase_delete_user(
string server
, string username);

These 3 functions are already written, and seem to work pretty well
(W2000 professionnel/ Apache 1.3.19 / IB latest Firebird)

1. Any comments to the prototypes? Could they be better?
2. Do you think these functions could be helpfull to someone else,
and, if so, if they should be included in the official (open source)
Interbase extension of PHP?
3. In this case, does anyone know how to do?



--- In ib-support@y..., fabrice.aeschbacher@k... wrote:
> Hi,
> Interbase extension of PHP (php_interbase.dll) offers functions to
> access to IB (ibase_* functions). But some are missing,
> ibase_add_user(), ibase_modify_user(), and ibase_delete_user().
> Has anyone (heard from someone who has) worked with this stuff?
> Fabrice
> mailto:fabrice.aeschbacher@k...