Subject Re: sum( time fields)
Helen. Thanks for the reply.

I have already done a procedure which calculates my necessity.
The remain problem is that Interbase return me the SUM( TIME FIELD )
in a Centesimal form.
eg: 1:30 go down in 1,50.
What I need is the sintax to transform a 1,50 in 1,30.

I have already try: >> result - int( result ) / 1.666 << , but
Interbase don't recognize the command int.

Somebody want help??


--- In ib-support@y..., Helen Borrie <helebor@w...> wrote:
> At 03:01 PM 12-02-01 +0000, you wrote:
> >Hi All.
> >Sorry to post this argument another time, but...
> >
> >Now i got the decimal parts of the resulting hour in centesimal:
> >eg:
> >
> >3,30 is turn into 3,50
> >
> >This is the code thanks to Ann:
> >
> >sum( ( cast(presenze.orelavorate - cast( '0.00.00' as time ) as
> >numeric(9,3) ) )/60/60 )
> >
> >give me 3,50.
> >but I want 3,30. As usual
> >
> >How to tell to interbase to transform a centesimal time in
> >sessagesimal one?
> Create a UDF that accepts the value part, calculates the centimal
part as seconds and returns a string which you can either a store in
the table or calculate in DSQL.
> However, I understood that you wanted to use this figure for
accumulating elapsed time. Don't you need a numeric for that?
> HB
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