Subject Re: [ib-support] Best lanquage
Author Jason Wharton
>> My personal opinion is BCB/Delphi and IBX.
>> Works just fine and is free.

> BCB/Delphi are free?
> (Let's start again the discussion between IBO/IBX... hehehe)

Ok. <g>

IBX isn't really free because you have to pay for the much more expensive
versions of Delphi to be able to use it. With Delphi Foundation, Firebird
and IBO people can have a TOTALLY free solution to get their client/server
projects off the ground. So if FREE is what matters, look no farther than

IBO's Trustware Licensing model has generous provisions to allow free
licensing if and until you are making enough money from your efforts using
IBO to *comfortably* afford what I ask in licensing. If you are unable to
make money using IBO, I don't expect to receive any money either. Thus, it
is a partnership effort based on trust. And, it works!

The beauty of it is, there are a lot of people submitting licensing funds
who are greatly successful with IBO and I am able to spend a lot of that
money on publishing a lot of on-line resource materials, free and
inexpensive reference materials, sponsoring Firebird bug fixes and
enhancements, funding/hosting the IBDI which "Saved InterBase", as well as
other things to help make InterBase/Firebird the database of the new
millennium. Without this revenue coming in from generous and successful
patrons I hate to think where InterBase/Firebird would be today.

So, while FREE is nice, we must always remember that revenue applied in the
right direction is a far more powerful vehicle to move forward. IBO and its
trustware licensing model harmonize these two critical elements based on
what matters most, trust. If everyone gives a little the whole receives a

PS. I think this is veering off-topic for a support list so apologies to
those I may have irritated.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ