Subject Re: [firebird-python] embedded firebird from fdb
Author Pavel Cisar

> Curiously we have a libfbembed2.5 package on Debian though?

I see. The problem is Debian packaging which is different (customized to
fit Debian standards and ideas) than stock Firebird. It's possible that
there is special Debian package for embedded Firebird (I suspect they
compiled client library for SuperServer that can't use -
classic engine - directly). I don't use Debian, so I can't give you
better answer. But I can assure you that it works as I said (at least on
openSuSE and/or with standard Firebird distribution packages). In stock
Classic package you have libfbclient that talks to network or loads
libfbembed directly, libfbembed (the engine) and fb_inet_server that
wraps libfbembed for xinetd or other such daemon.

best regards
Pavel Cisar