Subject Re: [firebird-python] Re: Installing fdb 0.7.2
Author Pavel Cisar

in FDB, all Firebird errors are reported as Python exceptions. For more
details about FDB you can use KInterbasDB documentation at

While there are differences between these drivers, FDB is developed as
direct replacement for KInterbasDB, so it follows the KDB interface and
functionality as close as possible.

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 24.5.2012 12:05, chrisbaldwin5339 napsal(a):
> I do have one further question, if you don't mind.
> I have to interface to a Firebird database in which user-defined
> exceptions are used to return business rule errors back to the
> client. I started out using pyfirebirdsql and everything seemed to be
> ok until I deliberately tried to insert a row to a table which would
> fail the business rules. pyfirebirdsql carried on seemingly oblivious
> to the failure and I couldn't find any reference to trapping the
> error (no exceptions were generated, for example). Indeed, I can't
> find any reference to isc_status which I believe is how they are
> reported back to the client (might be wrong about that though). So I
> looked at alternatives and found fdb. I note that there are several
> references to isc_status in fdb so I need to know if fdb can report
> back these exceptions (which are firebird exceptions and probably NOT
> python exceptions) and if so how do you use them in a Python program
> (remember, I am a newbie at this python stuff). If not is there any
> plan to include them and when. This is a deal breaker for me. I can
> hold off a decision to change for a while. I want to use python but
> will have to go back to C++ if not which I would rather not do.
> Sorry for the length of the question.
> Regards
> Chris